This weekend I had the privileged of helping lead a conference for students in the Western Carolinas Area. It was a blast to hang out with students and watch them wrestle with what it looks like to live a life that is in step with the Spirit of God.
One of my favorite moments was on Saturday morning when we were studying John 16 together and began to talk about the Spirit's job to guide believers to all truth. This is a big need for the students I work with!
Most college students are in the middle of something confusing. They are trying to figure out what they want to do with their lives. They are trying to figure out who they are going to be in their relationships. Many of them are experiencing relationship turmoil with their parents as they move from kids to adults. They are experiencing "unlimited" freedom for the first time in their lives and are trying to balance that freedom with the values they think are important. On top of all this (and more), many students are trying to figure out who they are in relation to God. Who is He? What say should He have in their lives? How will they move toward Him in these years at college, and who does that mean they are?
College students need to be guided to truth!
As we talked through the Spirit's role in guiding them through this time of transition and chaos you could feel God moving. You could tell He was working in the hearts of students in the room. Winning them to this idea that He knew where they should go. He knew who they should be. He knew how they could be close to Him, and He would guide them to that truth if they would let Him. They spent time thinking and journaling about areas of their lives where they need some truth. And I spent time thinking about the same thing.
I confuse myself often. Acting in a way I hate. Getting angry with people I love. Saying something ugly about someone I adore. Choosing to watch "Eureka" or "Psych" over spending time connecting with God or my kids or Josh. In times of clarity, I look back over those choices and I'm confused why I would act in such a way. Why I would make choices so contrary to who I am in Christ.
I need the Spirit of God to guide me to truth. I need that guidance everyday--fresh every morning like God's mercy. Without it I am lost. Void of the Spirit I am one big messy ball of confusion! Praise be to my good and blessed God who made a way for me to know the Spirit and follow Him to all truth!