Today I was working on a flyer to send to InterVarsity students inviting them to an evangelism training we are doing in the area. I spent a few hours thinking about the flyer and was ready to move into creating it. The hardest part of creating something like this is choosing the right font. It might sound silly to you, but on any thing I make I spend a good hour, if not longer, choosing just the right font.
After exhausting all the fonts in Word and on my Mac, I decide to turn to the infinite resources of the internet to track down the elusive lettering of my dreams. It takes me about 30 minutes to find one that would fit perfectly in my flyer design, and SUCCESS! The font I track down is ideal for what I'm doing. I notice it is not a free download, but in my head I know that the font would be worth paying for because it is going to make the flyer look GREAT! As I click on the link to pay for the download, I'm planning out how to sell my supervisor on the cost. I know it's not going to be hard--he gets that doing things excellently sometimes means spending $30 or $40.
I spend the minute it takes for the page to upload gazing out the window of a cafe I'm working at, dreaming about where I'm going to put my super cool textbox and how great the end-product is going to look.....and BAM!
The font costs $996.69...................What is the world coming to!?!?!?!
I guess Arial Narrow will just have to do--sigh!
That is so crazy! I am SOOO glad you did not purchase that almost $1000 font. AND, yeah, I get that feeling of wanting something to look, JUST right, but I agree, arial narrow can do the trick too. What IS the world coming to?
So sad! do you ever use ? It's a free site and I think they gank a lot of the expensive fonts from other sites :) I'm all about a little unethical behavior as long as it saves money!
Ahhh...Amy does that too. It makes such a huge difference.
As for the cost, $1000 does seem pretty high...but then again, I catch myself from time to time talking about "back when gas was under two dollars" and "back when everything on the Dollar Menu only cost a dollar." How much is money worth anyway?
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