February 8, 2011

Prayer Confessions

So some of you are wondering how the early morning prayer is going.

Well, I won't say it is going much at all. Without the discipline of blogging I choose most mornings to stay in bed. I think since my last morning blogging, I have gotten up to pray 3 times. I'm still striving to. I'm still setting my alarm (most mornings). But I normally snooze and roll over.

But that is not what I have to confess.

That might be what I should be confessing to the Lord today, but it's not.

I am confessing that for months, maybe years I've used my kids as an excuse not to pray.

I did it in some of my posts. "There is no point to get up early, the kids will just get up with me and distract me...blah blah blah." Sometimes that is not untrue, but what was really at the root of my not wanting to get up early to pray, was that I DIDN'T WANT TO GET UP EARLY TO PRAY. End of story.

I like staying in the bed more than I like praying. I like the quiet I get to myself in the morning more than I like giving that time to God. I like to stay warm and cozy under the covers more than I like sitting in that little cold uncomfortable chair. And I have come to learn, that I like blaming my kid's early morning habits more than I like taking responsibility for my own lack of desire and discipline to pray.

BUT! I don't like this about me, and I don't want to be this way anymore.

I feel the call to pray, to connect with my Papa at other points of my day as well, and I let them be my excuse then too. Instead of pressing into Him, I just let them distract me and draw me away. I tell myself, "How can I pray in this? How can I meet you in this noise?" But honestly, in my heart, what I normally mean is, "I don't have the energy for you today God. I don't have the desire to put forth the effort."

There is a reason that prayer is called a discipline. And I need alot of practice. Alot of training. Alot of support. And obviously, a lot of confession.

What are some reasons you don't pray?

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