February 21, 2011

Why Cecilia Should Never Have Any Real Power.

This week Cecilia had to complete the tried and true homework assignment, "If I were president of the United States I would..." Here is what she wrote.
"If I were the president of the United States I would pray to God. I would love making laws. I would make a law that everyone had to pray to God."
I was a bit dumbfounded by her particular bent in lawmaking zeal. I tried to talk her out of it. I tried to get her to think about ponies for every child in the land, but she would not be moved. Since her teachers know we profess Christ, I was tempted to send in a post-it note on the paper declaring that the contents of Cecilia's homework were the views of her alone and did not reflect the viewpoints of the Simmons family. Or at the very least one that stated I hope she didn't ever get any real power.

This weekend I had the honor to talk with InterVarsity Greek students about prayer. Mainly about what it is, why we don't pray and why we should. While prepping the talk I was reminded of the privledge of prayer. That God, all-powerful and true, gives me a way to connect with Him, share my heart and learn His heart. All I have to do is pray. 

There are bad reasons why we pray. The worst of which may be because you feel like God, who you see more as a task master than a loving Father, requires it of you. You feel the burden of the law and feel forced to pray, but there are better reasons to pray-more biblical and more life-giving. God wields His power in a much healthier way than Cecilia would. Which I'll write about this week. 

So as we think about this together, I would love to hear your thoughts...

Why should people pray?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

The sermon yesterday was all about prayer and Dodd ended with a clip from John Piper that you've probably seen, but it seriously hit me upside the head and moves me today as I think about it again...


Wowsers. Thanks be to God!