September 20, 2010

Living Out the Transformed Life: Death

Paul's working definition for sin in this passage is Living Lives Centered on Ourselves.

2 Corinthians 5:14-15 "For Christ's love compels us, because we are convinced that one died for all, and therefore all died. And He died for all, that those who live should no longer live for themselves but for Him who died for them and was raised again."

After mentioning Christ's love, these verses talk a lot about death. One guy died. Everybody died. He died, they died. Alot of death talk to say that Jesus Christ had to come and die because we were dead.

And what killed us?

A life lived for ourselves.

Personally, I don't think selfishness is a big deal. When I make a choice that is self-focused I often shrug it off. I mean everyone is thinking about what's the big deal if I do, right? I have to think about myself, protect myself, take care of myself. If I don't...who will? Hmmm. A life lived for myself doesn't seem so awful, and a life lived for others is what seems scary...deadly. If I live for others there won't be anything left for me. I'll be used up and abandoned. I'll be dead. But scripture tells me I was dead already.

I wasn't created to take care of myself. I wasn't meant to grap after what I want. I was knit together, wonderfully created by a Father that is still in the picture. I was created to turn to Him with all my needs, and let HIM take care of me. I was meant to grap after Him and grap onto what He wants for me and for the world. I was fashioned to live for Christ and Christ alone.

And Christ died so I could live in this reality.
not so I could live for myself.

More tomorrow....

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