March 17, 2008

The Underbelly of Being Pregers-Just Leave Me the Crap Alone!

There are many things I don't like about being pregnant, but by far my least favorite thing is how the pregnancy seems to put a big sign over my head that reads,
"Hey I'm Pregnant--TALK TO ME!"

Anytime I go out I am accosted by perfect strangers wondering things about me that are, frankly, none of their business: when I'm due, the sex of the baby, what names we're thinking about. I wish I had the nerve to stick it to these people and say in a very offended voice that I'm not pregnant, but I always chicken out. I've even had some women come over and rub my belly in the middle of Target! But the worst was when I was pregnant with Cecilia and a man came over, thumped me on the tummy and said, "Yep! Sounds ripe to me!"
Once, when I was pregnant with Gareth, a woman walked over to our table at Fuddrucker's and asked when I was due. On this particular night Cecilia had been a beast! She didn't feel great and had spent much of the meal acting out and crying. Josh finally had to take her out to the car to discipline her. It was his exit that prompted this woman's advance. "When are you due?" She asked. I had seen her paying attention to us while we were eating and knew she was coming over to chat. I took an inward sigh, plastered a polite smile on my face and replied, "The end of the September." Her eyes widen and she said, "Oh well, that little one you have now is in for a RUDE awakening when that baby comes." And then she stood there and waited for me to respond to her idiotic comment. I looked at her like she had lost her senses, scoffed and left the restaurant. I've never been angrier driving home from dinner.
But the most obnoxious of these offenders are the women (mostly at checkout counters) who ask when I'm due and then after my response let their eyes get big and round and say, "WOW! Are you having twins." or "4 more weeks! You look ready to explode!" This happens at least 3 times a week.
How can people think this is appropriate or helpful. Do they think they are making me feel better about myself? Do they think that it is easy to keep the crazy under control when you are this huge, this pregnant, and this hormonal. Sigh. I just want people to leave me alone or ask me other questions about myself. I am more than just a baby warmer/grower, right? There is a human being under all this water and weight? Maybe? Just leave us pregers alone. Odds are we don't want to talk to you!


angie said...

i have a friend that, after a woman touched her very pregnant tummy, touched said non-pregnant woman's stomach. the lady was taken aback and my friend said- "oh, does a stranger rubbing your stomach make you feel uncomfortable, too?" she is a hero to all pregnant women in my opinion. i would never have the guts to do that.

Amanda said...

Maybe if you just had the sense to stay home and grow your baby like a good little mommy, you wouldn't have this problem!

Heh heh.

Seriously. Just smack 'em.

Josh Mullins said...

I think you should just go all out and make up some ridiculous stuff. When else are you going to have the chance? I think as soon as someone says something you should fake like you are going into labor, real loud and dramatic. You should carry a camera and notebook and have them write down exactly what they say and take their picture, tell them its for the baby book. Have them read it back out loud, real slow. Or, if Josh is there, he should say real loud, "You're pregnant!, I'm sorry I've been giving you such a hard time about your weight gain." These are the only comments I felt were PG-13 enough for the blog.

Scott, Bri, Elijah, Abigail said...

Ok...You're going to love this one... cause you'd never think it of me... but I was working. I was pregnant with Abigail. I kept getting my 'regular's' coming in and asking me stupidly that they thought I'd already had my baby (which would be Elijah)... and then they'd say some rude comment about my children being so close in age once I told them that people arent usually pregnant for 18 months at a time. Anyway, so, this MAN comes over and thinks he's REAL cute. Its my UPS guy. He looks at my belly & I think he's pondering if he dare ask. NO! He comes over and says to me "Wow, you sure are getting Fat!" So, I got out my best Puppy Dog Eyes & said... "What?? How could you say that to me? That's just MEAN..."
OH MY GOSH..I never saw a man crawl into a hole that deep that was the most satisfying thing ever!! Ok, so I gave him a minute, and then told him I was kidding..but then warned him about his future endeavors.

The ones I DIDNT take care of the way I should have - because I was too shocked to even think were:

A total stranger (at work again) "Oh, You're pregnant.. how far along? that means you concieved on X day then.. Ooohhhhoohhhh.... I know what YOU were doing THAT day!!"

A 'regular' male customer (i was always working)...making some copies...looks over and notices my waddle or bump or something. So, he says to me... "Looks like you've been getting a lot of practice. Way to go Scott!!"

themainstick said...

can i just copy and paste this into my blog? YOU GO GIRL!

yet, i just posted on your facebook wall "when are you due" because adam is coming to NC this weekend and was thinking about bringing josh to see yaya, but i wasn't sure if you'd be up for it...